marcopolo Online payment
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Our WooCommerce plug-in comes with regular updates and full integration support, guaranteeing a versatile out-of-the-box solution to accept online payments easily:

    Keep an eye on our Release Notes to stay informed about updates and new features (i.e. payment methodsfeaturesintegration modes) we have added to this plugin!
    Check out our documentation to learn how to link your store with our platform to profit from all these features!

    Download plugin

    To process transactions with this plugin, you need an account on our platform.
    This plugin works with both our test and live environment. A test account is a great way to get familiar with both the plugin and our platform. Once you want to go live, create a production account or contact us!


    1. Install plugin
    2. Configure plugin
    3. Manage payments

    Install plugin

    The first step to use the plugin is the installation process. Before you proceed, make sure your infrastructure meets these system requirements:



    Plugin package

    Download the plugin

    Direct credentials


    • WordPress 6.3 or newer
    • WooCommerce 8.7 or newer
    • PHP Version 7.4 or newer

    PCI compliancy

    SAQ A (14)
    The plugin’s in-built features ensure this security level, but you still need to get the certificate from your acquirer.

    Installation process

    1. Log in to your WordPress Admin panel.
    2. Navigate to Plugins > Add New.
    3. Search for the “Worldline Payments for WooCommerce” plugin.
    4. Click on Install Now and wait until the plugin is installed successfully.
    5. Activate the plugin immediately by clicking Activate on the success page. Alternatively, activate it later via Plugins > Installed Plugins.

    Configure plugin

    After the installation, you need to configure the plugin to link your store to our platform.

    1. Login to the WooCommerce Back office. Go to WooCommerce > Payments. Select “Worldline Payments for WooCommerce” and click on “Manage”.
    2. Configure the following fields.




    Enable to activate the checkout

    PSP ID

    Enter the PSPID on our platform you want to use for transaction processing.

    Live Mode

    Set the flag to link your shop to our platform for test/live transaction processing.

    API Key

    Enter the API Key of your test or live PSPID. Read our dedicated guide to learn how to generate one

    API Secret

    Enter the API secret of your test or live PSPID. Read our dedicated guide to learn how to generate one

    API Endpoint

    It would be prefilled depending upon the mode selected.

    Webhook ID

    Enter the Webhook Key of your test or live PSPID. Read our dedicated guide to learn how to generate one

    Webhook Secret

    Enter the Webhook secret of your test or live PSPID. Read our dedicated guide to learn how to generate one

    Webhook Endpoint

    Copy the "Endpoint URL" from the plugin settings and paste it into the appropriate field in the back office under Developer > Payment API. You can add up to 5 URLs in this section.

    Advanced Logging

    When advanced logging is activated, additional details such as purchase amount, customer address, incoming webhook data, and HTTP requests/responses from the API are recorded.
    Enable advanced logs when troubleshooting issues and share these logs with the support team for effective resolution. Logs are automatically deleted after 30 days.

    Payment Button title

    Adjust the text on the submit button, which defaults to “Place Order” in WooCommerce.

    Checkout Type

    Currently, only the full redirect option is available. A Hosted Payment Page option will be added in future releases.

    Grouped cards

    Enable this option to display all card payment methods as a single payment method in the Worldline payment module.

    Show Tokenized cards

    Enable this option to display stored/tokenized payment methods on the checkout page, above the active payment methods. Customers can manage these payment methods under My Account > Payment Methods, where they can also set a default payment method or delete existing ones.


    The surcharge feature allows adding an extra fee to transactions using a Worldline payment method. This feature is available in specific countries and must be activated in your account

    Authorization Mode

    Define whether to process the transactions as authorisation mode or as direct sale. Select one of the following options:

    • "Authorization": The amount is only blocked on your customer's card. Successful transactions will have statusCode=5/status="PENDING_CAPTURE" / statusOutput.statusCategory="PENDING_MERCHANT"
      Use this mode when you wish to capture a transaction only after shipping the order). In the WooCommerece Back Office, the status will be "On Hold".
    • Sale: The amount has been ordered to be paid out in one go. Successful transactions will have status="CAPTURED" / statusOutput.statusCategory="COMPLETED" / statusOutput.statusCode=9
      In the WooCommerece Back Office, the status will be "Processing".

    If "Authorization Mode" is set to "Authorization", make sure you capture authorised transaction later. Only then will the transaction reach statusCode=9, for which you receive the actual payment for the transaction.
    There are two sub-options for Authorization:
    a.      Final Authorization – Blocks customer funds for 7 days and must be captured in full.
    b.      Pre-authorization – Blocks customer funds for 30 days an the captured amount can be lower or equal to the authorized amount. Not all acquirers and sectors support pre-authorizations.

    Strong Customer Authentication

    Enable 3DSv2 to enhance transaction security by adding an authentication layer, reducing fraud risk. This ensures customers are verified through their bank before transaction completion, providing a safer shopping experience and potentially lowering the merchant's fraud liability

    Test connection
    The connection validation between the plugin and Worldline platform is built in. If there is an error on the API credentials, the plugin will not save the info and throw an error. If there is no error and the credentials are correct, the plugin will save the info.

    Manage payments

    We have designed the plugin to follow-up on your orders automatically and autonomously, freeing you from the administration involved. Learn here how to use our plugin effectively to make your business thrive!

    Perform maintenance operations

    Captures, refunds and cancellations of authorisations are standard processes (also known as maintenance operations) in your everyday business logic. Learn here how to perform these operations in the WooCommerce back office:

    • Go to WooCommerce > Orders. Click on the order.
    • You can perform Capture/Refunds through the options provided.

    Maintenance operations



    • Click on “order actions” and select Capture Authorized Worldline payment
    • Click “Update”.

    The order will be captured and the Order notes section will display the response from Worldline.


    Cancel authorised transactions or refund:

    • Click on refund
      • Update the quantity to refund and the amount will be reflected accordingly in the Refund Amount tab.
      • Click on Refund via Worldline.

    Perform test transactions

    Use our platform's test environment to make sure your plugin works as intended. We offer test data sets on our dedicated Test cases page. Target our test environment as described in the "Configure Plugin" section.

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