marcopolo Online payment
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The core of your integration solution is sending payment requests to our platform. When doing so, you can process them in two different authorisation modes: authorisation or direct sale mode.

Authorisation mode

The appropriate mode depends on your business model and/or personal preference:

Mode Effect

The card scheme/payment provider only blocks the amount you want to charge for the order on your customer’s card/bank account. Successful transactions will have status="PENDING_CAPTURE" / statusOutput.statusCategory="PENDING_MERCHANT" / statusOutput.statusCode=5.

To actually receive the payment, you need to eventually capture this authorisation within a certain period.

The validity period of an authorisation depends on various factors:

Direct sale

The card scheme/payment provider blocks and captures the amount you want to charge for the order on your customer’s card/bank account in one go. Thus, your customer’s bank is instructed to pay out the amount to you via your acquirer immediately. Successful transactions will have status="PENDING_CAPTURE" / statusOutput.statusCategory="PENDING_MERCHANT" / statusOutput.statusCode=9.

Mind that processing transactions in direct sale mode does not mean you receive the funds instantaneously. The interval between a transaction reaching status 9 and receiving the funds depends on various factors:

  • The timing of exchanging transactional data between your and your customer's bank (the settlement).
  • Your acquiring contract.

Process requests

Our API implements specific properties for processing transactions in authorisation/direct sale mode. Add one of the properties to your CreatePayment (for $!{dv.get('direct.S2S')} integration method)/CreateHostedCheckout (for Hosted Checkout Page integration method) requests:

Property Remarks/Possible values



cardPaymentMethodSpecificInput.authorizationMode: Applicable to card payments (i.e. Visa).

mobilePaymentMethodSpecificInput.authorizationMode: Applicable to mobile payments (i.e. Google Pay).

  • "FINAL_AUTHORIZATION": Only blocks the order.amountOfMoney.amount for 7 days. You can cancel the authorisation any time, but only fully. Supports only full captures.
  • "PRE_AUTHORIZATION": Only blocks the order.amountOfMoney.amount up to 30 days. You can cancel the authorisation any time, both fully and partially. Supports both full and partial captures.
  • "SALE": Blocks and captures the order.amountOfMoney.amount in one go.

If you send "FINAL_AUTHORIZATION"/ "PRE_AUTHORIZATION", make sure to eventually capture the amount to actually receive the payment.

Applicable to non-card payments (i.e. Paypal).

  • "true": Only blocks the order.amountOfMoney.amount.
  • "false": Blocks and captures the order.amountOfMoney.amount in one go.

If you send "true", make sure to eventually capture the amount to actually receive the payment.

  • Mind that the availability of a specific authorisation mode/type, the validity period and the possibility for partial/multiple captures depends on various factors, such as
    • The payment method/card scheme.
    • Your customer's issuer.
    • The location and type of your business.
    • Your acquiring contract.
  • The applicable property for your request depends on the payment method. Refer to JSON sample in the "Integration" chapters of the respective payment method documentation.

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