marcopolo Online payment
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Our Pay-by-link is the ideal, completely code-free way to start offering online payment to your customers right after you have gone live.

Instead of going through the effort of setting up your own webshop infrastructure and linking it to our platform by yourself, Pay-by-link is the fastest short cut possible:

  • Create payment links/QR codes with a few clicks to share with your customers for both your online/offline business
  • Compatible with all available payment methods on our platform
  • Leave the handling of PCI-DSS relevant sensitive data to us!
  • Follow-up on the whole transaction life cycle in the Merchant Portal, no need to set up a webshop infrastructure/integration to our platform
The graph above graphic provides you a broad overview on the parties involved and their responsibilities in the payment process.

Before you process live transactions, use our test environment. Get to know our solution without costs or any commitments involved! Once you want to go live, contact us!

Do you prefer to create payment links using our REST API directly? Refer to the dedicated chapter in our API reference for more information

Get started

To process transactions on our platform with this solution, make sure that

Are you all set? Then learn how to use our Pay-by-link in the next chapter!

Payment links

To enable your customers to pay online, you need to redirect them to a payment page at one point during the checkout process. Finally, you need to follow-up on the transaction result to know when to release the goods/services for the order.

Whereas any of our other integration methods/plugins require you to maintain your own webshop infracture and connection to our platform for the transaction flow, Pay-by-link relieves from this effort by

  • Creating payment links redirecting your customers to our Hosted Checkout Page for entering their payment data
  • Allowing you to create and share the payment link any time after the order, for both your online/offline business
  • Providing the transaction result in the Merchant Portal for you to follow-up on the order

Check out how the full transaction flow works and what you need to do in each step.

Payment flow using Merchant Portal

Although based on our Hosted Checkout Page integration method, Pay-by-link has some unique features:

  1. Your customers finalise a purchase in your (online) shop.
  2. You create a payment link for this purchase in the Merchant Portal.
  3. You share the payment link with your customers.
  4. Your customers go to our Hosted Checkout Page via the payment link. They choose one of the available payment methods and enter their payment data.
  5. We submit the actual financial transaction to the issuer/acquirer to process it. We receive the transaction result.
  6. We redirect your customers to our status page to inform them about the transaction result. If the payment was unsuccessful, the customers can try with another payment method.
  7. We update the transaction result in the Merchant Portal.
  8. You track the order in the Merchant Portal: If the transaction was successful, you can deliver the goods / service.
The graphic above explains all the steps of a typical Pay-by-link transaction.

This flow description omits typical steps like the fraud or 3-D Secure check. Learn about the full flow in the dedicated Hosted Checkout Page chapter.

Payment flow using DIRECT PaymentLinks APIs

Creating a payment link using Merchant Portal is a simple and fast way to send a payment request based on the most common payment needs, the CreatePaymentLink provides more features and flexibility for more advanced needs:

  1. Your customers finalise a purchase in your (online) shop.
  2. You create a payment link for that purchase by sending us a CreatePaymentLink request to us.
  3. You share the payment link with your customers.
  4. Your customers go to our Hosted Checkout Page via the payment link. They select one of the available payment methods and enter their payment data.
  5. We submit the actual financial transaction to the issuer/acquirer to process it. We receive the transaction result.
  6. We redirect your customers to our status page to inform them about the transaction result. If the payment was unsuccessful, the customers can try again with another payment method.
  7. We update the transaction result on our platform.
  8. You request the transaction result from our platform by sending a request GetPaymentLink to us.
  9. If the transaction was successful, you can deliver the goods / services.
  10. You can deliver the goods or services to the customer after receiving a successful transaction result from our platform.
Payment flow using DIRECT PaymentLinks APIs

Additional possibilities

CreatePaymentLink endpoint provides many additional features that is based on the features supported by Hosted Checkout. Some of these additional features that the API supports are:

Create payment links

To create a payment link, follow these steps:

  • Login to the Merchant Portal in either our test or live environment
  • Go to Payment links > Generate link. Fill in the payment form as follows:
Property Description

The gross amount you want to charge for this order. Use "," (comma) for decimal amounts

Equivalent of property order.amountOfMoney.amount for CreateHostedCheckout requests via our API

Expiration date

Define for how long your customers can use the payment link
Possible values:
> 1 day
> 7 days
> 21 days
> 31 days
> 6 months

Mind that once your customers have opened the Hosted Checkout Page to make the actual payment, the payment link remains valid for another three hours.
This period is independent from the defined expiration date.

Order reference Equivalent of property order.references.merchantReference for CreateHostedCheckout requests via our API
Add name

Your customer making the order. Appears in

  • "Payment requests" to help you follow-up on the orders
  • The e-mail address you can send to your customers in the subsequent step
  • Click on "Generate link". You are redirected to the Share link displaying the result. You can now:
    • Scan the QR code which will redirect you to the Hosted Checkout Page directly to enter the payment data
    • Copy the full link and share it with your customers via your preferred application
    • Send the link directly to your customer: Enter your customer's e-mail address in the respective field and click on Send payment link. Your customers receive a message containing the information from the form you have filled in, a "Pay now" button and a QR code leading to the Hosted Checkout Page to enter the payment data

Once you have created payment links, you can easily follow-up on the payments in the Payment requests tab.

  • As this feature is available in both our test and live environment, make sure you create links in the LIVE environment as soon as you have finalised your tests.
  • Mind that once your customers have opened the Hosted Checkout Page to make the actual payment, the payment link remains valid for another three hours.
    This period is independent from the defined expiration date.

Follow-up on payments

Whenever you create a payment link, you can follow-up on the order directly in the Merchant Portal, without the need to maintain your own database, webshop infrastructure or integration to our platform.

To follow-up on orders, follow these steps:

  • Login to the Merchant Portal in either our test or live environment
  • Go to Payment links > Payment requests
  • Look up the order in the table to check the transaction's status and/or perform actions (i.e. captures, refunds) on it:
Property Description Select a time period up of up to 18 months
Reference The value for assigned for the "Order reference" when creating the payment link. Click on it to get a full overview about the order

Gross amount of the transaction as defined in "Amount" when creating the payment link

Equivalent of property order.amountOfMoney.amount for CreateHostedCheckout requests via our API


The status of the order/payment link

> Active: You have created/shared the link, but your customers have not finalised the purchase on the Hosted Checkout Page yet

> Paid: Order with have been succesfully authorised (statusOutput.statusCode=5). Make sure to capture them before you deliver the goods / services linked to this order

> Expired:

The payment link has expired according to the "Expiration date" you defined when creating the payment link

> Cancelled: You have cancelled the order, rendering the payment link invalid

If the order is in status "Active", you can perform actions on the order

You can find all orders generated by payment links in the Transactions and perform maintenance operations on them according to their status. Find a complete overview of all possible statuses in our dedicated guide


Perform maintenance operations for orders in status "Active":

> Cancel link: Cancel the order and thereby render the payment link invalid

> Share link: Reacquire the QR code/the full payment link/Resend the link via a new e-mail address/SMS

> Copy link:Copy the link to the clipboard

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