marcopolo Online payment
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Let's get you up and running.

So where do you start? We advise you to reflect on how you want to link your webshop with our platform. We will help you make the right choice by guiding you through our getting started guide.

Get started

1. Create test account

Getting started is easy. In just a few simple steps, you can create a test account to explore our payment solutions and experience seamless transactions. Let's begin.

2. Setup your integration

Now choose the payment methods that appeal to your customers most and the integration mode that fits your ordering system best. Thanks to our platform’s wide range, you will quickly find what you need.

Choose your integration method

Hosted Checkout Page

Redirect your customers from your checkout page to our platform for entering payment data. Modify the design of our secure payment page with your customised template.

See solution

Hosted Tokenization Page

Include an iFrame payment form in your checkout page. We host the iFrame safely at our end, but you control its look and feel. The payment data entered by your customers is saved as a token, which you can use to make payments.

See solution

Self-hosted (server-to-server)

Use our service freely by handling the credit card data completely on your own. There are no limits to the design of your solution.

See solution

Native mobile (In-App)

Create your own app and we will help you encrypt credit card data with our public key via our dedicated client SDKs. Send the encrypted data to us and we decipher it with a private key.

See solution

Payment methods

Whether your customers prefer to pay with cards, digital wallets, bank transfers, gift cards etc. – you name it –, we got you covered. Discover our steadily growing range of payment methods.

View payment methods

3. Test your integration

Before you go live, you want to be sure about how our platform works and how to process feedback received for processed transactions.

Learn more
  • Outcomes when using one of our specific services
  • Fraud-related cases
  • Various 3-D Secure scenarios
  • Successful, declined and uncertain transaction results

4. Setup production account

Set up your Merchant Portal to get your business up and running.

5. Excel in your online business

Once all steps are completed and you are happy with testing, you are ready to go live and start doing online business with us!

Create new account

Make use of one of the many advanced features

We support a multitude of advanced features, so have a look! Find a small selection of these underneath:

Template builder

This tool enables merchants to create custom payment pages using a pre-built template. It can be particularly helpful if you want to offer a consistent checkout experience across different devices or platforms, as it allows you to easily customise the look and feel of your payment page and see the result on the fly.

API explorer

An API explorer is a user-friendly interface that allows merchants to test Direct's API endpoints and see the responses in real-time. It can be particularly helpful for developers who are new to a our Direct API, as it provides an intuitive way to experiment with different parameters and payloads.

API reference

An API reference provides detailed information on the available endpoints, parameters, and responses for the Direct API. It is an essential resource for developers looking to integrate the services into your own applications.

We hope we helped you out, if not

Check our glossary

The online business works with various industry terms, and sometimes they need explaining.

View glossary

Contact us

Our support team is here to help you.

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